GunGame 5.1 Updates

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GunGame 5.1 Updates

Postby XE_ManUp » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:07 am

This announcement thread will be locked, but we will post all updates to GunGame5.1 here to make it easier to keep track of when we update GunGame.

The most up to date version can always be found here:

:!: Note:
If you are not running the latest version, we will be unable to give you the proper support. I suggest you check this topic often to make sure you are running the latest version.

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Postby XE_ManUp » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:09 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.456
Updated on: 2010-07-01 10:17:35
Version Notes:
  • Reverted to the cfglib that is shipped with EventScripts due to backwards-compatibility reasons.

  • Fixed a bug for the "leaders" and "old_leaders" event values to using the "setint" method instead of "setstring" method.
  • Fixed a bug to where EventScripts would error "No valid command situation for es_event!, #, ..." due to the event values for "leaders" and "old_leaders" being set to a blank string ("").

./cstrike/GunGame 5.1 License.txt:
  • Moved to "../addons/eventscripts/gungame51/GunGame 5.1 License.txt" for es_install compatibility.
  • Added a temporary crash fix by removing the notify flag from the cvar "nextlevel", which would crash the server when we fired game_end when a player wins. This would trigger server_cvar, causing a crash.

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Postby XE_ManUp » Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:10 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.457
Updated on: 2010-07-01 15:14:35
Version Notes:
  • Changed to use exec instead of es_mexec when the cfg file is in the /cfg directory. This change is reverse compatible!

  • Updated to execute cfg files with es.server.queuecmd() instead of es.server.cmd()

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Postby XE_ManUp » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:03 pm

SPE has been updated, as well as a hotfix for EventScripts' cfglib. Get the latest files from here:


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Re: GunGame 5.1 Updates

Postby Monday » Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:38 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.466
Updated on: 2010-07-06 10:17:35
Version Notes:
Version Notes: 5.1.466 -
  • ./scripts/included/gg_welcome_msg/
    * Fixed typo in the cfg file, it was referencing the wrong .txt file to edit.
  • ./included/gg_thanks
    * Removed
  • ./eventscripts/gungame51/scripts/included/gg_error_logging
    * Removed
  • ./eventscripts/_libs/python/
    * Removed
  • ./gungame51/
    * Fixed some formating with es_load output
    * Added GG Thanks
    * Added remove files function (allows us to easily remove old files)
    * Updated for new core logging system
    * Updated code for removal of the notify flag for:
    - mani_nextmap
    - sm_nextmap
    * This prevents crashes temporarily.

  • ./scripts/included/gg_deathmatch/
    * Removed the notify flag from:
    - mp_freezetime
    - mp_roundtime
    * This may or may not fix some crashing issues.
  • ./eventscripts/gungame51/core/logs/
    * Added new core section to handle error logging, making it a mandatory part of gungame.
  • ./scripts/included/gg_warmup_round/
    * Removed the notify flag from mp_freezetime to see if that helps cut back on crashes (TEMPORARY FIX).
  • ./core/messaging/
    * Added additional arguments to saytext2 as required by the new engine update to prevent errors and spam in the console. Technically, this is a usermsg library issue - but it will fix the problem until a library update is shipped with the official release. I intend on committing to the ES usermsg library at some point as well.
  • ./scripts/included/gg_friendlyfire/
    * Removed the notify flag from mp_friendlyfire temporarily to combat crashes.
  • ./core/addons/
    * Changed some es_load output stuff
    * Fixed the syntax warning
  • ./core/events/
    * Fixed a syntax warning
  • ./core/menus/
    * Fixed a syntax warning
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If you ask something stupid before reading the instructions that are likely included in the files, I will make fun of you for being a lazy idiot.

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Postby XE_ManUp » Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:50 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.477
Updated on: 2010-07-13 00:12:27
Version Notes:
Revision: 477
* Corrected a slight bug that I created that said files were deleted when they weren't.

* Updated the gungame_info version check to be slightly more efficient.
- It was checking to make sure we only scanned *.py files, which is the only thing that get_file_list() returns, anyway.
- It was making sure that we did not look in the ./core/events/data directory, which contains no *.py files.
* Removed white space.

Revision: 476
* Moved old file deletion code from to this file, which executes before GunGame is fully initialized.
* Added "import es".
* Changed "ServerVar" to "es.ServerVar".
* Removed "from es import ServerVar".

* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList".
* Removed old file deletion code and imports - moved to ./core/

* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList".

* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList".

* Changed "getPlayerList" to "getUseridList" in some cases.

Revision: 475
* Added "import gamethread".
Modified : /trunk/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/gungame51/scripts/included/gg_deathmatch/

Revision: 474
* Removed the es_flags removal of the notify flag for the "nextlevel" CVAR.

Revision: 473
* Optimized the gungame_info function

* Removed unnecessary delay

Revision: 472
* Updated versioning to automatically save 5.1.<rev> in the "info.version" AddonInfo() instance.

Revision: 471
* Testing versioning theory.

Revision: 470,
* Reverted to previous versions, as it is no longer necessary to delay events due to an upcoming EventScripts release.

Revision: 469
* Removed delays on event firing.,,,
* Removed es_flags commands that removed the notify flag.

NOTE: An upcoming EventScripts release will render these temporary fixes as unnecessary. Simply trying to stay ahead of the curve.

Revision: 468
Updated language file with French translations and updated the GGThanks for a few more languages.

Revision: 467
Updated language file: gungame51/gungame.ini

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Postby XE_ManUp » Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:24 pm

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.478
Updated on: 2010-07-24 10:24:10
Version Notes:
  • Replaced "os.*" methods with "path.*" methods.
  • Added a caching system for get_valid_addons():
    - We were reading from disk and iterating the directory each time this was called. It was called quite a bit, and this should improve loading performance.
    - The first time get_valid_addons() is called, the directory is read and cached. Any subsequent calls to get_valid_addons() return the cached results.
  • Added caching for AddonManager().get_addon_type().
  • Added caching for AddonManager().addon_exists().

  • Fixed config loading to fire in the order "main -> included -> custom" as was originally intended. It seemed that in some cases, custom addons were loaded before included addons.
  • Replaced "os.*" methods with "path.*" methods.
  • Added config types caching for get_config_list():
    - We were reading from disk and iterating the directory each time this was called. It was called quite a bit, and this should improve loading performance. I created a new function, __cache_configs(), to cache the config list on load of GunGame.

  • Removed unused import: "import os.path".

  • Replaced "os.*" methods with "path.*" methods.
  • Reading the weapon order file now uses a "with statement".

  • Removed unused import: "import os.path".
  • Replaced "os.*" methods with "path.*" methods.

:arrow: This update was made with the hopes that it will improve the loading sequence and reduce stress on servers when loaded via the autoexec.cfg.

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Re: GunGame 5.1 Updates

Postby XE_ManUp » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:08 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.480
Updated on: 2010-07-26 21:10:54
Version Notes:
  • Fixed a bug to where no block would attempt to be set on players that had not yet joined a team.

  • Added a very slight delay to execute the configs created by cfglib.
    • On Linux, the adding of the "notify" flag and the config execution happened at the same time, and the notify flag would not trigger the event when the config was executed, because it had not taken effect yet.
    • Special thanks to PabloP for allowing me the use of his Linux server for troubleshooting this issue.

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Re: GunGame 5.1 Updates

Postby XE_ManUp » Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:16 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.481
Updated on: 2010-07-27 03:19:52
Version Notes:
  • Added "self.echo()" to the restart_round() method.
  • Added langstring debug messages for initial load and loading of configs.
  • Changed the delay for completeInitialize() to 0.1.
  • Removed setting of the weapon order from the completeInitialize() function.
    • This was raising exceptions due to the delay in executing configs in the previous revision, but was not caught until now.
    • Event server_cvar picks up on this, and sets the weapon order, so the removal will not effect anything.
  • Commented out some debug lines.
  • Deleted the commented out PriorityAddon() code.

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Postby satoon101 » Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:51 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.488
Updated on: 2010-10-20 00:38:28
Version Notes:
    • fixed occasional error with getPlayer().isdead

    Added settings for Hostage Objectives:
    • ./scripts/included/gg_hostage_rescued_levels
    • ./scripts/included/gg_hostage_killed_punish
    • ./scripts/included/gg_hostage_stopped_levels

    • fixed error that caused bots to not start any round with the bomb

    • fixed level info hudhint showing 1 / 1 kills
    • now shows x / y kills only if required kills is greater than 1

    • properly identified recentWinner as a global to stop the startup warning

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Postby satoon101 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:54 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.492
Updated on: 2010-10-28 21:52:18
Version Notes:
    • Fixed an issue with #random and #reversed weapon orders that caused them to
      not keep multiple knife and hegrenade levels
    • Fixed a couple errors in variable names

    • Fixed bug that caused gg_nade_bonus weapon_order to be randomized every
      es_map_start instead of the gungame weapon_order

    • Fixed bug that caused commented lines (lines that start with //) to be chosen
      for random sounds

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Postby satoon101 » Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:30 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.496
Updated on: 2010-12-20 00:20:02
Version Notes:

      • Updated to send user specific language strings for Current_Level_HudHint on

      • Now adds gungame to sv_tags value

      • Fixed issue when unloading other Included Addons
      • This caused an error when those addons had already been unloaded

      • Changed the code around adding/removing gungame from sv_tags

    • Updated language files with Russian translations (thanks to Danfocus for the

      • Added token to GunGame_Load message for version number

      • Added missing gamethread import

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Postby satoon101 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:11 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.500
Updated on: 2011-01-06 22:44:27
Version Notes:

      • Updated info.Website now that the forum is on a new domain
      • Added server console messages for the rest of the initialization process
      • Now loads main, included, and custom configs separately (due to custom
        addons being a separate part of the initialization process)
      • Now executes load_weapon_orders (due to printing out the console messages
        when parsing the weapon order files at the proper place in the initialization)
      • Moved make_downloadable (due to printing out the console messages when
        parsing the sound pack files at the proper place in the initialization)
      • Now executes set_weapon_order in completeInitialize so that the weapon
        order will always print out when loading GunGame

      • Modified a few of the strings for removing Warmup from the initialization
      • Added hostage level up restriction messages

      • Added server console messages when parsing weapon order files
      • Removed load_weapon_orders from being executed on import
        • Now executed directly inside to show server console
          messages at the correct time during loading

      Added server console messages when registering default GunGame commands

      • Added server console messages when first parsing sound pack files

      • Added "#default" to the beginning of es.tell messages
      • This was due to messages being sent in "only" default color

      • Added sending messages to users that they cannot skip knife/nade level

      • Added sending messages to users that they cannot skip knife/nade level

      • Added sending messages to users that they cannot skip knife/nade level

      • Added sending messages to users that they cannot skip knife/nade level

    • Minor updates to many files to follow a standard

      • Moved es.loadevents() from completeInitialize to initialize
      • An error occurred on first load when events had not been loaded in time

      Fixed an error when sending messages about not skipping knife/nade level

      • Added in a possible fix for the "Player has left server" error

      • Added a small delay before forcing the weapon order to print out (which is
        for when re-loading GunGame)
      • The values of gg_weapon_order_file and gg_weapon_order_sort_type were
        still 0 when this was called if GunGame is loaded on server startup

      • gg_unload now fires

      • Fixed error that was caused by unloading either gg_deathmatch or
        gg_elimination and loading the other
      • It was caused due to the shared dependencies

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Postby satoon101 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:35 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.503
Updated on: 2011-01-12 22:27:04
Version Notes:

    • Changed the way we forced the weapon order to print, since it was causing
      errors on some servers

    • Changed to item.namebase when parsing weapon orders
    • This way, it doesn't carry the .txt extension when first being parsed
    • Before, it would be parsed again, if GunGame needed to use that file
    • Including the .txt extension was causing KeyErrors on some servers

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Postby satoon101 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:48 pm

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.506
Updated on: 2011-03-08 15:35:28
Version Notes:

      • changed coding around printing Weapon Order

      • Organized file
      • Added [WeaponOrder:Echo] and modified [WeaponOrder:Echo:TableColumns] for
        printing out Weapon Order

      • Added dbgmsg for Loaded in load

      • minor changes related to printing weapon order

      • Removed strings that are now in Included Addons
      • minor changes related to printing weapon order

    • Added new Included Addons ini files. Moved related strings into their
      separate ini files.

    • Added translations to info for addons

      • Replaced cfglib's .execute() with es.mexec until next ES release

      • Added Addon Loaded and Addon Unloaded strings

      • Changed gg_addon_loaded and gg_addon_unloaded dbgmsg's to use langstring
      • Removed check on gg_multikill_override that caused multikill not to be
        reconfigured when set to 0

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Postby satoon101 » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:01 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.509
Updated on: 2011-04-16 19:51:23
Version Notes:

      • Added support for #darkgreen (or \x05 ) color in chat messages

      • Fixed an issue with gg_multikill_override
      • Now stores backup values for the default values for each level's multikill
        per weapon order

      • If there is an error during the loading of GG51, it now unloads properly

    • Edited some files to match a standard

      • Added missing global statement

      • Reverted es.mexec() back to cfglib's .execute()

      • Corrected the path shown in 2 config files

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Postby satoon101 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:28 pm

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.510
Updated on: 2011-04-19 16:12:03
Version Notes:

      • Added new event gg_leader_disconnect

      • Added gg_leader_disconnect to the events

      • Remove sending messages for new leaders
      • Messages are now handled in the gg_leader_messages included addon
      • Added in firing gg_leader_disconnect when one of the current leaders disconnects

      • Fixed multikill issue for hopefully the last time

      • Removed Leader change messages
      • Removed Level Info messages
      • Removed PlayerWon messages
      • All of these messages are now in their specific included addon

      • Removed sending HudHint Level Info to players
      • Level Info is now controlled by the included addon gg_level_info
      • Removed sending PlayerWon messages
      • PlayerWon messages are now controlled by the included addon gg_winner_messages

      • Removed giving players a defuser, since this functionality is already in and the setting is in gg_en_config.cfg
      • Also, if giving defusers was only in gg_map_obj, whenever it is Disabled, no one would get defusers

    • Added 3 new included addons
        • Sends chat messages when there is a new leader
        • Sends hudhint for player's level info
        • Sends chat, toptext, and centermsg to all players when someone wins a round of GunGame

    • Changed many addons to first check the player's team (either es.getplayerteam or es_userteam) then to check getPlayer(userid).isdead

    • Changed all instances of es.createentitylist() to use es.getEntityIndexes()
        • Also changed getPlayer(userid).handle to es.getplayerhandle(userid)
        • Also changed es.getplayerteam to use Event Variables

    • Other minor changes with no actual effect

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Postby Warren » Sun May 22, 2011 5:24 am

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.511
Updated on: 2011-05-22 00:22:26
Version Notes:
- Implemented maximum number of players for maps to come up in votes. Now you can either have no min or max, a min, or a min and a max range.

- Changed to show examples of max usage.

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Postby Warren » Sun May 22, 2011 5:27 pm

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.512
Updated on: 2011-05-22 12:26:28
Version Notes:
* Fixed unexpected indent issue

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Postby Warren » Sun May 22, 2011 9:15 pm

GunGame51 Updated!
Version: 5.1.513
Updated on: 2011-05-22 16:14:52
Version Notes:
* Finally fixed syntax errors. (sorry, thought I had it working when testing)

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