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GG5 problem

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:18 pm
by masakis88
Hello Im having a problem with GG5 When some one wins and u count to 5 when music is playing "the gg music". and leave and then come back right after the warm up "on the next map" you start off on 2nd to last level when everone is on 1-3 level can someone help me on fixing this

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:29 pm
by TempletonPeck

// Handicap helps newly connected players by adjusting their level.
// Options: 0 = Disabled
// 1 = Set player to the lowest level player other than themself.
// (Catch them up if they are behind.)
// 2 = Set player to median level.
// 3 = Set player to average level.

gg_handicap 3

// Set this to the number of seconds between handicap checking for players
// who are below the handicap and increasing their level.
// Note: If disabled, players are only updated when they join the server.
// Note: It is recommended you do not update any faster than every 120 seconds.
// Options: 0 = Check on connect
// 120 = Check every 2 minutes

gg_handicap_update 0

Re: GG5 problem

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:40 pm
by masakis88
thats what i have it set as and it does it