Hello and welcome to GunGame5, the latest and greatest version of GunGame. GunGame5 not only boasts extensive speed improvements, but mind-blowing customization opportunities! This post will cover how to install GunGame5 onto your server from the provided .zip file below. This guide will cover the bare-bones of installing GunGame5. Customizations and other related stuff will be added later (possibly to another post).
Step 1: Get Eventscripts
GunGame5 was written SPECIFICALLY for Eventscripts. It will not function without it, so you should download it here. At the time of this writing, the current version is v2beta250.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE VERSION 2beta250 OR HIGHER. Otherwise, GunGame5 may crash, not work (or even load).
Step 2: Installing Eventscripts
Got it? Awesome. If you open the zip file, you will notice a single folder titled addons. Find your "cstrike" folder on your server. Open it.
Oh, and I forgot one thing: TURN OFF YOUR SERVER! You can't replace .dll/.so files that are in use while your server is still running.
Open it. Now, open the addons folder inside the zip file. Copy ALL of the contents from the zip/addons folder to your cstrike/addons folder. If it asks you to replace anything, click yes (as it should ONLY be replacing eventscripts related files). Proceed to step 3. - AN ADDONS FOLDER IS NOT PRESENT:
If your server does not have a folder titled addons under the cstrike folder, you can simply navigate to cstrike and copy the addons folder from the .zip file over.
Now start your server. RCON to your server, and type (without the line number),
If not, make sure you followed everything written above EXACTLY as it is written. If you are receiving an "unknown command" message from HLSW or your server when you type "plugin_print", make sure you didn't include the line number. The command is just plain plugin_print.
Proceed to step 3.
Step 3: Get GunGame5
Download GunGame5 from http://forums.gungame5.com/download.php.
When you open this .zip file, you should see the following folders:
- addons
- cfg
- sounds
NOTE: If you have a pre-existing installation of GunGame5 from any beta test, you must get rid of it.There may be existing bugs in the beta candidates, so always use the most up to date version of GunGame5. However, you should back up any customization files (such as weapon orders, admins, and what not).
The installation process is quite simple. Open up the addons folder inside the .zip file. Now open up the eventscripts folder. Now copy the gungame folder to YOUR server's addons/eventscripts/ folder. Next, you must navigate to the _libs/python folder in both the .zip file and on your server. Copy the contents of the .zip's _libs/python folder to your addons/eventscripts/_libs/python folder. If you are asked to replace testrepeat.py, hit yes(?) (need confirmation from developers).
Now, get back to the top level directory of your .zip file (the place which had the 3 folders). Now open up the cfg folder in the .zip file, and the cstrike/cfg folder on your server. Copy the contents of the .zip/cfg folder to your cstrike/cfg. You can customize these files the way you want (to be discussed in another post).
Finally, copy everything inside the .zip file's sound folder to your server's cstrike/sound folder.
FINALLY! The moment you have been waiting for. RCON to your server (using HLSW or in-game). Through RCON, type (without the line number):
You should see a bunch of text scroll by, and some server variables change. Your server will now trigger a round restart.
After that, GunGame should begin! Happy fragging!
As always, if you have issues, we have a link to where you can report them.