Gungame 5.1 has a alpha script called Ffa which stands for Free For All. Just need to install the alpha spe and addon for it to work. you can get the alpha spe here ... 25&t=44752. and you can get the addon here viewtopic.php?f=79&t=2006. Just make sure that you do what the instructions say for the spe or it will not load right.
Thanks for the info.... I knew I it wasn't build in with GG51 but didn't know a plugin was writen for it. I will try it. One my server is a one map 24/7 with gg51 DM randown spawnpoint. This would be nice on it. What do they mean by "Alpha Script" ?
It's an "Alpha" script because it requires the new Alpha version of SPE to run. The new SPE Alpha allows us to do so many things that were not possible before with EventScripts & SPE. For instance, the Free for All script hooks the actual function in memory when a player receives damage. It then checks to see if the attacker and victim are on the same team (but not the same player), and if so, moves the victim to the other team for a split second, so the damage does not count as Team damage. You don't even have to enable Friendly Fire, as this function hook will be called regardless. viewforum.php?f=79 viewtopic.php?f=79&t=2008
If you are already using the SPE Alpha for FFA, you can just use the RoundEnd Blocker script to stop the round from ever ending: viewtopic.php?f=79&t=2013
As for late joiners, if you are using GG DeathMatch, everyone that joins late "should" already be spawned as soon as they join a team.
Yeah, tnarocks is having that same issue. I'm hoping to get back with him this weekend to help narrow down what is causing that. Again, that SPE version is an Alpha, so there are still issues to be worked out. Just out of curiosity, is your server running on Linux or Windows?
Awesome to hear! You are definitely one of the lucky ones. It seems that the SPE Alpha is crashing pretty much every other Linux server. Do you know what possibly changed in your situation?