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No knife given off some maps during warmup & roud starts

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 4:22 pm
by Shadow

I ran the debug process using viewtopic.php?f=70&t=1389&p=6092.
On few maps like desertstorm_v2, awp_cbble, during warmup players don't get the knife. Once warmup complete and the round start, we still don't get the knife until we get killed one time. Once dead we finally get the knife.

While compiling those logs, I also noticed a "GunGame 5.1 Exception Caught!" when server loads everytime but doesn't prevent from working. I included the error in the ZIP file called "GG51Error.txt". I did not know if I should create another post for it. Just let me know if you prefer to have it in a new post.

Thank you,