"Error: Could not open addon: gungame51"

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"Error: Could not open addon: gungame51"

Postby seer » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:18 am

Hi guys,

Standing up a server at home because I've got the hardware floating around, and I'm having some issues getting GG51 up and running. My issue is that I'm basically being told that the addon could not be loaded (along with several corelib files), and I see nothing when I run a plugin_print relating to gungame.

System specs are as follows:

O/S = Ubuntu Server
Mani Admin =
ES = 2.1.1
GG = 5.1.610

Mani Admin, Eventscripts, and the Source Python Extensions all show up from a plugin_print when the server is loaded. Additionally, although I added the lines requested to my autoexec.cfg, I have no logs in either the ../cstrike/logs or ../cstrike/cfg/gungame51/logs directories. I basically started the server and directed the console output to file, which I have attached to this post. For the sake of not making you all go blind from the wall of text that it gave me, here's what seems pertinent, with my apologies for sending ANY wall of text your way:

Failed to open ./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/flags.txt
Failed to load ./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/flags.txt
Failed to write ./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/flags.txt
Failed to load ./cfg/mani_admin_plugin/data/client_ip_history.txt
Plugin load file already exists ... bypassing autocreate
maxplayers set to 16
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/services
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/foreach
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/average
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/keyfilter
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/uniqueid
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/timelib
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/keygroupsort
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/keygrouprand
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/keyrand
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/exp
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/isnumerical
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/escinject
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/getplayercount
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/usermsglib
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/inrange
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/entitylib
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/es_install
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/es_checkversion
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/es_mexec
Unknown command "services"
Error: Could not open addon: corelib/clientcmd
No '-replayserverdir' parameter found - using default replay folder.
Replay: Creating thread pool...succeeded.
Replay: Starting thread pool with 4 threads...succeeded.
Cleaning files from temp dir, "/steam/css/cstrike/replay/server/tmp/" ...no files removed.
Unknown command "r_decal_cullsize"
maxplayers set to 16
Error: Could not open addon: gungame51
Server logging enabled.
Unable to open logfiles under logs/L0123
Logging disabled
Unknown command "sv_logdetails"

Any thoughts? All I can really put together is that the corelib files seem to be related here, and I get nothing after "Could not open..." I can jump into the server after everything is up and running, and other plugins are playing ball...but I'm at a loss here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: If I don't respond right away here, you'll likely have better luck getting in touch with me on Steam. My display name is "seer," and my profile picture is a close up of Atlas' eye from Portal 2.
Last edited by seer on Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby satoon101 » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:41 am

Looks like you need to set the permissions on your addons directory as well as your cfg directory. Without setting the proper permissions, the files necessary not only for GunGame51, but EventScripts as well, cannot be created.


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Postby seer » Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:52 am

Was pretty sure I chmodded the hell out of all things necessary, but I've done stupider things for worse reasons. Checking that and I'll post again with results.

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Postby seer » Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:51 am

Well, I could have sworn I had done so, but after reviewing my directories, it immediately became apparent that I was being a jackass when I set my files up.

Chmodded the directories you mentioned to 777 since I didn't feel like mucking around with chowning anything and ran my start_server.sh again...gungame loaded like a champ. Many thanks, satoon, I owe you a beer.

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Re: "Error: Could not open addon: gungame51"

Postby seer » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:50 am

New issue has come up; I got GunGame up and running under the baseline configs with a few tweaks to sounds, but I'm running into issues now that I've added some of the included addons. Off the top of my head, I'm running the following:


The only obvious error that I'm seeing is in the gungame logs themselves, but I'm having difficulty determining which addon is causing shortcuts.py to throw this my way:

* *
* *
* GG VERSION: 5.1.610 IP: *
* SPE VERSION: 1.5.0f r85 PORT: 27015 *
* PLATFORM: POSIX DATE: 01-24-2012 *
* *

LAST EVENT: [01/24/2012 @ 22:22:24] TOTAL OCCURENCES: [0001]

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "../eventscripts/es.py", line 279, in tick
File "../eventscripts/_libs/python/gamethread.py", line 173, in tick
File "../eventscripts/_libs/python/gamethread.py", line 155, in _executenode
function(*a, **kw)
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/core/addons/queue.py", line 87, in _loop_through_queue
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/core/addons/queue.py", line 111, in _load_addons
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/core/addons/queue.py", line 188, in _add_addon_instance
self._current_instances[addon] = AddonInstances[addon]
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/core/addons/instance.py", line 34, in __getitem__
value = self[addon] = _AddonInstance(addon)
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/core/addons/instance.py", line 60, in __init__
instance = __import__(self.module, globals(), locals(), [''])
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/scripts/included/gg_map_vote/gg_map_vote.py", line 120, in <module>
rtv_DisableLevel = get_total_levels() * gg_map_vote_rtv_levels_required / 100
File "../eventscripts/gungame51/core/weapons/shortcuts.py", line 69, in get_total_levels
return get_weapon_order(weaponOrderName).get_total_levels()

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_total_levels'

I've attached the core CSS logs as well, just for the sake of thoroughness. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

*EDIT:* Forgot the CSS log.
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Postby satoon101 » Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:27 am

That error occurs when the MapVote script is loaded prior to the Weapon Order being set. I have been meaning to fix this (or really all of these types of errors with the Weapon Order not being set), but just haven't gotten around to it yet. The only thing that specific error would mess up is the RockTheVote functionality in GunGame MapVote.

What exactly are the issues you are running into?


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Postby seer » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:41 am

My apologies -- was so busy laying out symptoms that I didn't finish my thoughts. The server crashes immediately on loading, giving me a segmentation fault.

If I understand you correctly, however, I can resolve this by getting the MapVote script to load after the Weapon Order.

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Postby satoon101 » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:50 am

No, that error won't have anything to do with crashing. I know that at times, if you have bots on your server, depending upon the commands you use to add them, can cause the server to crash while GunGame is loading. Not sure if that is your issue, but if you add bots on server start, it very well could be.

That being said, until I fix that specific error, you can always leave gg_map_vote set to 0 in it's file, and in your server.cfg file put:
es_delayed 5 gg_map_vote 1
Of course, the 1 would be whatever you set it to normally. This should cause gg_map_vote to load after the Weapon Order has been set.


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Postby seer » Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:48 am

No, I have no bots on start up. Still, I'll add that line to the server.cfg and confirm that it clears up that error.

I appreciate your patience in helping me out here. I'm still in the process of figuring out which config files call on which variables in starting up a server, and you've saved me a lot of grief in reverse engineering python scripts. Many, many thanks.

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Postby seer » Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:56 am

Yeah, the gungame issue resolved as soon as I delayed the execution of gg_map_vote. I'm not 100% that gungame is the reason for the segmentation fault at this point though, so I'll continue looking on my own.

Again, thanks for all your help.

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Postby seer » Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:02 pm

...ooor, maybe not. Just booted after removing the es_load gungame line from my autoexec.cfg and the server came up flawlessly. Was able to add bots without issue and a friend was able to connect to the server (via WAN), and so was I (via LAN).

I'm going to turn off all of my installed addons, then test them individually to see if I can't find what the bottleneck is. I'll post updates here.

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PostThis post was deleted by seer on Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:23 pm.
Reason: Duplicate Post

Postby seer » Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:35 am

Figured it out. For whatever reason GG just didn't want to play nicely when loaded via my autoexec file. I moved it to the bottom of my server.cfg and put a delay on it and everything is set; I set my addon variables in their respective cfgs without issue as well, which I was expecting; they can't error out if the parent eventscript isn't loaded.

I honestly have no idea why it was necessary to move it to the bottom of the server.cfg, but I'm not arguing since it's working now. If you like, I can take some logs and send them your way, as my understanding is that it should load without issue from autoexec.

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Postby satoon101 » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:27 am

Yeah, that was going to be my next suggestion. It is one of the Known Issue on our Installation page (or really the only true Known Issue at this point):


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