I have a server that's just sitting around just running a web server, but its far to powerful for just websites, so here's the deal.
The server i have has these specs:
8GB Ram
8 Cores at 3.7 mhz
1Gbps dedicated line
8 Dedicated IP's
Full Cpanel w/ CPgs(Automated Server hosting for games)
Im willing to "Sponsor" a clan/Community, Under some specific Conditions of course.
Your clan/Community must already have a base of members, 10+
Must be over the age of 18
Must have a domain name
What i will provide:
20GB Hosting For both server files and web site files
SMTP/Pop3 for e-mail
CPgs support for fully automated gaming server
100tick rate possible server
32 max players
dedicated IP for your server
Voice Server if requested
All fully managed if needed.
Now i bet your all wondering, How much for....well.....How about nothing for the first 2 months if you are transferring to my server, then 20$ a month, or if you are starting a new server, just 20$ a month.