[RESOLVED] level-up & down

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[RESOLVED] level-up & down

Postby maccauk » Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:44 pm

Hi there, on my server when i get a knife kill on knife pro it works well i think it does, because if i knife some one they loose a level and i gain level. but if i am on a knife kill and some one goes to knife me i don't loose a level but they still gain level and the same happens on nade kill too? :roll:

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Postby PitBull » Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:36 pm

Somewhere in the Forum it already had been answered, I think.
If Knife-Pro is enabled, you do not level-down when you get knifed on nade or knife-level. If you want this, you have to enable Knife-Rookie instead.
I don't know if I am completely right, but I think so ;)


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Postby crazypip666 » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:53 am

I understand why you can't steal a level if you are on nade level, but someone not being able to steal a level from you, unless you are on level 1, is something I would classify as a bug. I can think of no reason that you wouldn't be able to knife someone off of knife or nade level.

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Postby PitBull » Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:40 am

It was a bug in GunGame4 that you could steal a level by knifing a person on nade/knife-level. In GG5 it's no longer possible with Knife-Pro. You have to activate Knife-Rookie instead.


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Postby Warren » Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:57 pm

PitBull wrote:It was a bug in GunGame4 that you could steal a level by knifing a person on nade/knife-level. In GG5 it's no longer possible with Knife-Pro. You have to activate Knife-Rookie instead.


I don't think this was a bug in GunGame4. I think this would be a bug with GunGame5. You should be able to knife anyone off any level if you are able to level up.

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Postby PitBull » Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:33 pm

So if it's a bug in GG5, where is it? I already read through the gungame.py and the gungamelib, but I didn't found anything. Only preventlevel, but no block where it gets set for nade or knife-level. Maybe you know it?

P.S. @ Sc0pE: You have PM ;)

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Postby Warren » Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:39 pm

It would be in ../addons/eventscripts/gungame/included_addons/gg_knife_pro/gg_knife_pro.py

I replied to your PM 30 minutes ago. :wink:

I honestly think that this issue does not exist. Please try testing again, because you can always steal as long as you are not on knife or hegrenade levels. There are literally 0 exceptions for what level the victim was on in gg_knife_pro. So go make sure that the attacker is not on knife or hegrenade level.

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Postby maccauk » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:04 pm

sorry to seem a bit thick , but how do i sort it like you said if i am on knife i some 1 knifes me i should level down on knife pro?

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Postby Warren » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:13 pm

There is nobody who is immune to leveling down. Anyone can level down on any level.

The only thing that can change the ability to steal a level is the level of the attacker. If they are on knife or hegrenade level, with gg_knife_pro enabled, they cannot steal a level.

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Re: level-up & down

Postby maccauk » Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:41 pm

so you are telling me if i am a knife kill or nade killand some 1 knifes me i dont loose a level? but on GG4 if i was on a knife kill or nade kill and some 1 knife me i loose a level! :roll: if thats the case them it makes it so easy when on a knife kill

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Postby PitBull » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:56 pm

No! Let me show what he means with two examples:

1st example:
We have an attacker. He is on a level, excluding the nade- and knife-level. For example he is on AK47. Now he walks around and sees a victim. The victim is for example on nade-level. Now the attacker uses his chance and knifes the victim from behind. The attacker levels up to M4A1, the victim down to M249.

2nd example:
Again, we have an attacker. This time he is on nade-level. He walks around again and sees a victim. The victim is on M4A1. Now the attacker uses his chance (again ;)) and knifes the victim from behind. The victim does level-down to AK47. The attacker doesn't level-up to knife, because he must do his kill with the hegrenade. On each other level he could level up.


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Postby RideGuy » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:07 pm

In example 2 the victim would only lose a level if gg_knife_rookie was enabled. gg_knife_pro would not allow the victim to lose a level if the attacker cannot gain one.


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Re: level-up & down

Postby maccauk » Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:56 pm

ah i understand all that and all i am asking like you say if i am on a knife kill to win the game and some 1 is on pistol and they knife the victim to put him back on nade rather then the victim staying on knife .. i know how it works lets say we are playing GG4 we have it on knife pro1.....
lets say you are on knife kill to win the game, so there you are running around with your knife trying to get that kinife kill for game. but some 1 on a pistol gets there knife out see's a chance to put u back on nade and knifes you i know the pistol guy gains a level. now on GG4 and you would loose your knife level and be back on nade kill ..

so to make easy for me can you answer yes to Q1 or No to Q2

Q(1)yes if on knife kill for the game and you get knifed of some 1 who is on any weapon you go back to nade?
Q(2)No if on knife kill for the game and some one is on any weapon and knifes you, you stay on knife either way?

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Postby PitBull » Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:07 pm

Don't get confused with nade- and knife-level. You always level-down if you get knifed. But you do not always level-up. You can't levelup with anything else than hegrenade if you are on nade-level.

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Re: level-up & down

Postby maccauk » Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:22 pm

PitBull wrote:Don't get confused with nade- and knife-level. You always level-down if you get knifed. But you do not always level-up. You can't levelup with anything else than hegrenade if you are on nade-level.

ah not getting confused this is. you aswered half of my question.

This is how it works on my server! on knife pro1

for example lets say i am on a awp and some 1 eles is on awp and we have a knife fight if i win i will level up and looser will
level down

with nade if you are on nade and i am on awp and i see u with a nade i decide to knife you. now i know u should level down back too m249 but this dont happen i stay on nade but killer will level up

now lets say i am on knife kill for game and you are on awp if the guy with awp knifes me i know he will level up and i should level down back too nade but this does not happen i stay on knife

it only happens when i get too nade and then knife do i not level down if some one knifes me for rest of game i will level down if i get knifed right or wrong ? please some 1 is it a bug in gungame 5 or is it the way its ment to be? lol i am dieing
please this is not confusing we are making that way

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Re: level-up & down

Postby XE_ManUp » Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:22 pm

Ok...I have to have clarification here, because I am honestly quite confused:

John is on nade level.
Michael is on AWP level.

Michael knifes John. John should lose a level, and Michael should gain a level.

In another example:

John is on nade level.
Michael is on AWP level.

John knifes Michael. John does not level up, and Michael does not level down.

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Postby crazypip666 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:10 am

I don't know what is so confusing. He is noting the bug where a player on nade or knife level will not lose a level when knifed even when the player who knifed them gained a level. I know I have seen it in an older version of GunGame5, but I can't confirm that I have seen it in the newer versions.

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Postby RideGuy » Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:49 am

Sc0pE wrote:There is nobody who is immune to leveling down. Anyone can level down on any level.

The only thing that can change the ability to steal a level is the level of the attacker. If they are on knife or hegrenade level, with gg_knife_pro enabled, they cannot steal a level.

As scope said before, the code is pretty clear. We have nothing blocking the knifer/nader from leveling down if the attacker was able to steal.

Please test an up to date version. If you see the bug let us know.


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Re: level-up & down

Postby maccauk » Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:35 am

RideGuy wrote:
Sc0pE wrote:There is nobody who is immune to leveling down. Anyone can level down on any level.

The only thing that can change the ability to steal a level is the level of the attacker. If they are on knife or hegrenade level, with gg_knife_pro enabled, they cannot steal a level.

As scope said before, the code is pretty clear. We have nothing blocking the knifer/nader from leveling down if the attacker was able to steal.

Please test an up to date version. If you see the bug let us know.


thank you so much rideguy :D you sorted it for me works ok know..

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Re: level-up & down

Postby Alpha » Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:49 pm

Ok.. after reading all this... i got a headache... Let me see if I can ask the correct question....

If I only want a victim to lose a level when the attacker can gain a level, I should have KnifePro enabled...
John is on nade level.
Michael is on AWP level.

John knifes Michael. John does not level up, and Michael does not level down.

If I would like the victim to lose a level regardless of the attackers ability to gain a level... I should have Knife Rookie enabled
There is nobody who is immune to leveling down. Anyone can level down on any level.

The only thing that can change the ability to steal a level is the level of the attacker. If they are on knife or hegrenade level, with gg_knife_pro enabled, they cannot steal a level.

Is that correct and does that answer anyone elses question???

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