Let me just say that I have searched the forums, and even looked in the installation guide before posting this problem that I am currently having with the installation process of Eventscripts for GG 5.
My problem today is that I cannot seem to get Eventscripts to load on my game server. I am currently using version: mattie_eventscripts_200beta250 as provided by these forums.
I have followed the steps listed here very carefully, and even double checked to make sure that I indeed have the needed files on my server.
After doing this, I load my game server (Shutdown during install process.), which is not local, it is from gameservers.com, and type into the console "plugin_print" without quotes. After doing this, I always receive the following from console:
Loaded plugins:
The game server is a linux-shared game server, not dedicated. I use Filezilla to upload my files to the game server's directory.
Any help on resolving this matter is greatly appreciated, as I've run out of ideas.